Sunday, July 24, 2011

Look at me, I'm a motorist!

Well... I did it. I passed my driving test. First time. Holy shit. I nearly collapsed with shock when yer man told me. MADNESS!!! It's so great though, I've been motoring around the place ever since. Myself and Col road-tripped down to Nannan and Grandad last night, the look on their faces was priceless when we showed up at the door! But yeah, bottom line is, I passed and now the world is my oyster... well, Ireland is my oyster. I'm gonna go to Dublin sometime soon, obviously with mam for my first time, but after that I'll be able to do it whenever.

I have a new cousin! Dympna had a little baby girl, Rachel Genevieve (I'm so jealous of that amazing name!) last week. Nannan kept a newspaper from the day she was born, and there's a gorgeous picture on the front page of Emma Watson and Rupert Grint at the Harry Potter premiere (another thing I'm jealous of, what a cool day to be born)! I'm so thrilled for Dympna and Phil, I really really am. I haven't been down yet to visit, but I'll go down as soon as possible to see Rachel while she's still tiny. I'm gonna be her uncool older cousin, there's 23 years between us! Eep! How embarrassing! Still thought, hooray for new family members!

Speaking of the Harry Potter premiere, I saw Deathly Hallows 2 twice in one weekend... it was awesome. Loved it. I even cried a little bit, it was very emotional!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Google+ ... what?

I joined Google+ today because for some reason, Facebook is officially uncool now. I don't really get it, but hey, I'm sure it'll make sense eventually.

The Film Fleadh was last week, meaning the weekend was a drunken, sleep-deprived, film-overloaded mess. Good fun though. Eoin, Neev, Rebecca, Nuala, Jess, etc etc etc all came up for it, it was awesome. And a film Billy worked on won the animation shorts, and McNulty's film came second. I went to the screening on Twohig's pass because he couldn't go... God, my friends are so successful! Anyway, the bottom line is, the Fleadh kicked arse this year. Which is good, because I had a pretty shite time last year.

My driving test is approaching... I would be absolutely shocked if I didn't fail. Like, completely stunned. I have so many bad habits and I can't reverse around a corner without hitting a kerb or ending up in the middle of the road. Aaaahhh... why did I leave it too late to postpone?? Whyyyyy?????? Oh well.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

John Peavoy Sleeps With A Basil Plant Which He Believes Gives Him Sexual Powers

... the title is the last thing Anne said to me before I started typing this. We're just back from a road trip to TESCO, how exciting! The joys of having a car, or as Peavoy calls it, my Pussy Wagon.

Kelly's had another of their ridiculously difficult table quizzes last night, but this month's one was Simpsons themed! And instead of coming last, I was on the winning team! Woo! €150 voucher for Kelly's, thank you very much! Our team consisted of myself, Diarmaid, Donal and Mark. We got 78 right out of 80, and it would've been a perfect score except that we worded two answers wrong. One of the answers was the Ironic Punishments Division (we answered Department of Ironic Punishments) and the other was The First Annual Montgomery Burns Award For Outstanding Achievement In The Field Of Excellence (we wrote Monty instead of Montgomery). Ah well! If we'd gotten 80 right out of 80 they would've thought we were even bigger freaks than they already thought we were!

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do when I finish working on Joe and Jack. I've decided I want to take a holiday, by myself, to some big city that speaks English (for the simple reason that I'll be on my own, not that I have anything against non-English-speaking countries - hey, I've been to Tokyo for feck sake). I'm thinking either San Francisco or Los Angeles. Originally it was LA, but John said he's been there and doesn't recommend it. He said San Francisco is smaller and more pleasant, while still being a city. I dunno... I'll have to have a big think about it. I have plenty of time anyway, we're only on our third episode!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

'No One's Gonna Love You....'

You know that feeling where you feel so unloved that you just wanna sit in your pyjamas, listening to 'No One's Gonna Love You' by Band Of Horses at top volume and sobbing into your entire tub of ice cream?

No? Oh, me neither! I was just kidding! Obviously!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Crap. It has indeed been over a month since I last posted, and I have no real news. Went to Slane with Gulla, drove to Cork, went to the IADT grad exhibition, worked a lot, partied a bit. But what have I been doing recently, you ask? As in, in the last 24 hours? MAKING SHIT OF MY HAIR, THAT'S WHAT!!! Arrrgh! I decided in my infinite wisdom and raging peroxide addiction to do my own roots. Left the bleach on too long, ended up with yellowy-white roots. Had to do the rest of my hair that colour too. Now my whole head is yellowy white. And it looks rotten. My eyebrows are still black, my eyes are still brown, and now my face looks pink. WHAT THE CRAP WAS I THINKING!?!? Why do I always think I can do a good job of my hair myself!? FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS!!!! ALSO I APPEAR TO BE BECOMING ADDICTED TO CAPS LOCK!!! AAAAAAHHHH!!!!!1 So I'm going to a hairdresser in town on Friday evening to get him to work his magic on my hair and put it back to normal. I'm willing to pay above the odds to make myself NOT look like an X-Men reject anymore. And I'm too afraid to go to Valarie because the last time I made a bollox of my hair she did such a lovely job making it right, and I don't want to seem like a complete idiot by destroying it again, less than a year later. Urgh. Why, Schwartzkopf. Why do you have to make peroxide so cheap and easily accessible. Why. Sigh... Fair the well, nice blonde hair. Twas nice knowing you.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


...aaaaand it's the first of May, so it's officially summer. Woo! Not that it really matters since I'm a working woman now, but still, it's nice to wake up to sunshine in the mornings. I spent my first day of May with none other than Mr. Hamilton, he came up to visit since I was on my lonesome in the apartment, what with Anne and Peavoy gone a-gallivanting. We had an awesome time - movies and wine last night, and we went to the aquarium today and drew fish. It was so much fun! It's just a pity he couldn't stay longer. :( Oh well, after his reaction to my lovely apartment I'm sure he'll be back again soon!

I visited Dad in hospital this morning (Andy went off for a wander around Salthill while I was there), he's coming home for his weekly break from the treatment on Tuesday. Then I drove from the hospital back to Salthill - and some stupid bitch in a Jeep opened her door just as I drove past, I nearly knocked it clean off. God dammit!

On Friday night I went to see Toby Kaar playing the Roisin with Grace. It was so much fun, and he played all my favourites - except Bread! I would've been disappointed if it wasn't for the fact that I enjoyed it so much. I introduced myself after the gig, he's a lovely guy and said I can use his music for my showreel if I want. Score! I'll probably use either Mexico or Bayleaf, depending on what suits it better. I met him in Kelly's a few hours later, I was locked, and I think I gave out to him for not playing Bread. Oops! I was in Kelly's with the Morley cousins for Barry and Darragh's birthday, it was a fun night! Grace came with me and got on like a house on fire with my cousins. Of course she did - she's awesome!

I think I'm gonna go crawl into bed with my laptop and watch some crappy sitcoms, and then sleep for a long time. Night night.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Welcome to the world of tomorrow!

Wahey! We are online! The NTL guys arrived yesterday to install our wonderfully fast broadband, I hardly know myself!

I'm in the apartment by myself at the moment, John is in Dublin and Anne is cycling in Connemara with her sister. John's coming back today though, I'm meeting him in town for lunch I think.

I can't believe I have a whole week off left... this is crazy! What the hell am I going to do with myself?!