So... we have an apartment! I went viewing two apartments today, both in Salthill.
The first one was very nice, it was just above a shop, spitting distance from work. It has lovely wooden floors throughout and is very, I dunno, airy or spacious or something. It looks bigger than it is. And it's got a wee balcony that looks out over the sea, which is very relaxing. The bedrooms are a good size too.. I think I already have my room picked out! The landlord seems like a nice guy too.
The second one was a disaster. Firstly, we couldn't find it for ages. Then when we did, the guy didn't even turn up. He was from an accommodation agency too, so he should've been more professional about it. Urgh. We (mam and myself) waited in the rain for forty minutes for him, and he didn't show, despite his secretary receiving increasingly pissed-off phonecalls from me. So, needless to say, we're gonna take the first one, the one above the shop. I'm pretty pleased with it, I get a really good feeling from it.
Found this today on Bryan Lee O'Malley's twitter:

Ah Ramona... you'll always be the girl for me. <3 It's a pity B.L.O'M. comes across as such a prick on twitter. Oh well.
Aside from this I have no other news. I got a cheque today from the Revenue Commissioner. For six euro. Six. I'm owed about two hundred. This bloody country... Elections in a few days and I still haven't fully decided who I'm gonna vote for! It's so confusing. I'm not going to get into it here though.
A friend of mine's mother died the other day, which is terribly sad as that family has experienced more than its fair share of loss in recent years. Strange how life works out sometimes. RIP.
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